Save with Lexie
It's the perfect time to switch!
Midco is here to make your life better. You rely on the internet to connect, shop, watch and more. Now, rely on us to provide a connection you can count on.
Enter your address to see if you can get Midco Services!
Use promo code LEXIE25.
➡️ No matter the services you want.
➡️ No matter the speeds you select.
➡️ You can save some serious cash on your first Midco bill.
Before you order, head over to our Shop page. Enter your address and see which services catch your eye. Be sure to enter the promo code LEXIE25 at checkout to save $25 on your first bill.1
Meet Lexie!
Lexie Noelle Undem is a North Dakota mom to one and expecting baby number two this fall. She has called Western North Dakota home all her life. She married her high school best friend, and they love being involved in the local Dickinson community. Her motto is, “Do kindness recklessly.”
Lexie is a Social Media Manager and creates content on her own channels about gentle parenting and mental health, as well as her family’s travels, recipes and more!
She’s excited to partner with Midco, as having a reliable internet connection is essential to her as a work-from-home mom.
Lexie ❤️ Midco.
Midco brings you…
The whole package.
All the good, none of the annoying.
Contract-free services
30-day money-back guarantee
24/7 local support
$300 contract-buyout credit
Ready to switch?
Start your shopping experience and enter LEXIE25 at checkout to save $25 on your first bill.1
1 Offer ends September 30, 2023. This limited-time offer is available to new and qualifying customers adding internet . This offer cannot be used with Connect-A-Friend offers. Offer and services are not available in all areas and some restrictions apply. Offer is subject to change. Installation options vary by address, existing Midco network technology connected to the service location and services selected. A one-time service fee of $100 for professional installation or $15 for a self-installation kit may apply.