Copyright Infringement | Midco Internet Support

Copyright Infringement

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Midco Copyright Policy

While Midco does not monitor customer webpage views or content downloads, third parties may notify us of alleged copyright infringement. In those instances, information is gathered independently by copyright holders or their agents. We forward the complaint to our customer(s) via email and/or USPS.

Our purpose is to ensure our customers are aware of alleged and possibly unknown copyright infringement activity and potential consequences. Midco is not a party to complaints such as these, and we do not release a customer’s identity to a copyright holder unless required to do so by a court order or valid subpoena, issued by a court with jurisdiction over Midco.

If over a period of time we receive repeated copyright infringement notices for a customer, we may consider it a violation of our Acceptable Use Policy and – after notifications have been sent to the customer – take action, including disconnecting service.

For more details, go to