Parental Controls | Midco Wi-Fi Support

Parental Controls

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Content access rules, also known as parental controls, can be set at the person or device level. All devices assigned to a person inherit their content access settings. Similarly, applying content access restrictions to a device assigned to a person will apply the same settings to that person. If the device is unassigned, the rule only applies to that person.

Content access uses a database of known domains to restrict what types of websites can be accessed by the person or device based on the following levels:

  • No limits: You can access all types of content.
  • Kids appropriate: Content that is tagged as NOT appropriate for kids will be filtered and inaccessible.
  • Teenager friendly: Content that is tagged as NOT appropriate for teens will be filtered and inaccessible.
  • No adult content: All content tagged as adult content will not be accessible.

When attempting to access an HTTP site that is blocked by the content access feature, the browser will display a page with the Midco logo and an “Access to this site is blocked” message.

When accessing a blocked HTTPS website, the browser’s default message of “This site can’t be reached” or “Connection Timed Out” message will be displayed.

Note: If someone needs an internet break, you can also freeze an individual device using the Time Out feature.

Please remember that a website blocked for a person will automatically be blocked on all the devices assigned to that person.

Approving Content

You can approve a website for a person, the entire network or a device if not assigned to a person. 

  1. Under the Guard section on the Home screen, select the Online protection
  2. Choose All or the specific person.
  3. Go to the Approve tab and tap on Approve… (Choosing Approve Website allows you to enter the URL of a domain, while Approve IP Address allows you to enter the server IP address.) Enter the URL or IP address and tap on Approve to save. Please note that the full domain name is required.
  4. Tap Apply to confirm the changes.
  5. Additionally, you can view previously blocked sites under the Protected Tap or swipe on the blocked event to start the approval flow.

If you are approving the site for a device that has been assigned to a person, the rule will also apply to the person. Likewise, approving a site for the person automatically applies that rule to all of their assigned devices. If the device is not assigned, the rule will only apply to the device.

Manually Blocking Content

Up to 50 total sites can be manually blocked at the network, person and device levels combined. IP addresses can only be blocked if you have Outbound IP Protection and Intrusion Prevention enabled.

  1. Under the Guard section on the Home screen, select the Online protection
  2. Choose All or the specific user.
  3. Go to the Block tab and tap on Block… (Choosing Block Website allows you to enter the URL of a domain, while Block IP Address allows you to enter the server IP address.) Enter the URL or IP address and tap on Block to save. Please note that the full domain name is required. For example, instead of YouTube.
  4. Tap Apply to confirm the changes.