Service Line Installation | Midco Support

Service Line Installation

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Service Line Installation

There are many factors that impact when we can bury a service line.

  • Pre-Bury: Sometimes, lines can be buried as Midco is working on construction in an area, and services aren’t available yet.
  • Drop Bury: Other times, a temporary service line is placed on the ground when a field technician installs services for a customer, but a contractor must return later to bury the line underground.

We want you to have the best possible experience with the least inconvenience in each situation. Here’s what to expect.


We prefer to bury service lines when we already have construction crews in an area – and while the weather cooperates with us. If you allow us to pre-bury a line on your property before services are available, thank you for helping out!

There’s no obligation to get Midco services; however, completing line installation ahead of time will avoid needing a temporary line running above ground on your property during colder months. 

Even if you aren’t sure about signing up for Midco® services, this allows you the option to easily switch to our services anytime in the future.

Most homes connecting to our network need a service line buried on the property. This entails burying a line from a nearby access location or pedestal* through your yard and up to your house. You will need to be home for this installation as we will need access to your yard.

Once our team completes their work, they make every effort to restore your property to as close to pre-installation condition as possible.

*If a pedestal needs to be installed, you will receive a letter from our team.

1. Visit
2. Click on the Get Progress Updates bar.
3. Fill out all required fields.
4. When asked, Will you allow us to install service lines to your house?, be sure
to click Yes.
5. Hit Submit.

After you’ve confirmed Midco can bury a service line on your property, a contractor will contact you a week in advance of the scheduled service line installation.

This pre-bury work could include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Drilling an entry hole in a wall, window or door frame (may affect window or door warranty).
  • Tacking cable on the outside of the building.
  • Mounting a cable box on the side of the building.
  • Attaching service drop to the building.
  • Digging a trench from the building to the pedestal.1 

Certain factors can affect installation, including:

  • The ground must be dry.
  • Outdoor pets must be secured.
  • Gates and fences must be unlocked.
  • The property must be marked and flagged to show the proposed installation route and the location of underground utilities.
    • The contractor will be responsible for marking underground utilities. Please do not remove any of the flags or paint marks, as this can potentially cause confusion or unsafe conditions.
    • Homeowners are responsible for marking any personal utilities, such as underground pet fences, sprinkler systems or private underground electric wiring to other structures.

Once the work is complete, our contractors will restore landscaping and lawns to as close to pre-installation condition as possible. You may need to provide extra water to a few locations in your yard to accelerate the recovery of grass.

If you notice any damage to your sprinkler system after installation, contact us so we can coordinate any necessary repairs.

Drop Bury

We will notify you via email when we have status updates for burying the line on your property. A contractor will contact you a week in advance of the scheduled service line installation. Certain factors can affect installation, including:

  • The ground must be dry.
  • Outdoor pets must be secured.
  • Gates and fences must be unlocked.
  • The property must be marked and flagged to show the proposed installation route and the location of underground utilities.
    • The contractor will be responsible for marking underground utilities. Please do not remove any of the flags or paint marks, as this can potentially cause confusion or unsafe conditions.
    • Homeowners are responsible for marking any personal utilities, such as underground pet fences, sprinkler systems or private underground electric wiring to other structures.

Once the work is complete, our contractors will restore landscaping and lawns to as close to pre-installation condition as possible. You may need to provide extra water to a few locations in your yard to accelerate the recovery of grass.

If you notice any damage to your sprinkler system after installation, contact us so we can coordinate any necessary repairs.

Season Timeline

We plan to install the new service lines as soon as possible, depending on the time of year and ground thaw. We will make every effort to install during these timeframes when circumstances allow. Thank you for your patience as we work diligently to bury these lines.

If the temporary service line is placed on the ground before May 1, our goal is to have it installed by June 15.

If the temporary service line is placed on the ground between May 1 and October 1, we expect to have it installed within 30 business days of assigning the job to a contractor.

If the temporary service line is placed on the ground after October 1, we will make every effort to install it before the end of the season. If we cannot install your temporary service line before the end of the season, our goal is to complete installation by June 15 in the following season.

1 Midco may place a temporary service cable on the ground that may need to be buried. We will work to ensure that your property is returned to its normal condition after the work is complete.