Internet Service Performance | Midco Legal Notices

Internet Service Performance

Internet Service Performance, Terms, and Network Management Disclosure

Updated January 2024

All internet service providers (ISPs) are required to publicly disclose information about the network management practices, performance characteristics and commercial terms of their broadband internet services. Midcontinent Communications (Midco) has elected to post our Internet Transparency Disclosure on our website at 

Network Management Practices 

The following describes Midco’s network management practices as of the date this disclosure was prepared and will be updated from time to time as practices are changed. The company reserves the right to take any appropriate measures, whether or not they are described below, in response to extraordinary levels of usage, denial of service attacks or other exigent circumstances that have a significant effect on our customers’ ability to obtain service or the company’s ability to provide service. 


Midco does not otherwise block, prioritize or degrade any internet sourced or destined traffic based on application, source, destination, protocol or port unless it does so in connection with a security practice described in the Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy. 


Other than reasonable network management elsewhere disclosed, Midco does not throttle, degrade or impair access to lawful internet traffic on the basis of content, application, service, user or use of a non-harmful device. 

Affiliated and Paid Prioritization

Midco does not prioritize any traffic to benefit any party or affiliate in exchange for consideration, monetary or otherwise. 

Congestion Management Practices

Midco’s primary method of managing network congestion is to expand capacity as necessary to meet customer needs. Midco currently uses no congestion management techniques other than our standard levels of service, which limit speed based on subscription level, and our ongoing work to continually provide enough bandwidth for our customers’ needs through network upgrades and speed increases. 

Application-Specific Behavior 

Midco does not intentionally block or inhibit any protocol or application-specific traffic. 

Device Attachment Rules 

Midco requires that customers use Midco-approved modems (for a list of approved modems, see for residential and for business) and prohibits the connection of devices that cause harm to the network, compromise security or are used for illegal purposes. For optimum performance on the coaxial network (and for Internet 500, Midco Gig and beyond), Midco recommends DOCSIS 3.1 modems. For our fiber internet offerings, Midco provides customers with an optical network unit (ONU) that provides connection to the internet.  

Security Practices 

Midco employs specific security measures in the interest of our customers. By default, all incoming email to Midco internet servers is scanned for spam and viruses. If spam email or a virus is detected, the email message is deleted. Outgoing email is scanned for viruses and deleted if a virus is found. These email security measures apply only to email provided by Midco. Mail traffic from Google accounts, Apple and others is not subject to these security measures. 

While Midco generally maintains an open network, Midco does filter commonly known virus and malware ports. These filtered ports are not utilized by normal internet services. 

Midco seeks to protect customer security by implementing standard security measures, including password requirements for access to customer email and customer account information; limiting access to customer information by customer employees; and maintaining secure servers for customer information and email accounts. Attempts to breach customer information security are addressed based on the nature of the attempt and, depending on the circumstances, responses may include employee discipline, notification to the customer, blocking access to the customer account until security is reestablished or other appropriate measures. Midco monitors network activity to determine if there have been any security breaches and responds appropriately to any breaches. Responses may include suspending or terminating accounts of any customers responsible for such breaches. 

Copyright Infringement Policy 

While Midco does not monitor customer webpage views or content of downloads, third parties may notify us of alleged copyright infringement. In those instances, information is gathered independently by copyright holders or their agents. We will pass on the complaint to our customers via email, the United States Postal Service and/or via web alert. Our main purpose is to ensure our customers are aware of alleged and potentially unknown copyright infringement activity and of potential consequences associated with such activity. This information was gathered independently by the copyright holder. Please note that Midco is not a party to these complaints. We do not release a customer’s identity to a copyright holder unless required to do so by a court order or a valid subpoena issued by a court with jurisdiction over Midco. If we receive repeated copyright infringement notices for a customer over a period of time and after notifications have been sent to the customer, we may choose to take action up to and including throttling of service or disconnection of service due to violation of our Acceptable Use Policy. For more information, please view our Copyright Infringement Policy.  


Performance Characteristics  

Speeds and Suitability 

Midco provides residential customers with a variety of high-speed broadband internet service plans or tiers ranging from up to 35 Mbps to 100 Mbps on its fixed wireless internet network, up to 250 Mbps to 1 Gig on its HFC network, and up to 250 Mbps to 5 Gbps on its fiber network. All speeds are advertised as “up to” a specific speed based on the tier to which a customer subscribes. Actual speeds vary and are not guaranteed. The actual speed that a customer will experience while using the service depends on a variety of conditions, many of which are beyond the control of Midco, including but not limited to the customer’s connection to the cable modem, performance characteristics of other networks accessed by the customer, network overhead, customer-owned equipment limitations and network management practices as described below. Because of these performance characteristics, Midco provisions modems at 10% above the “up to” maximum advertised speed. 

Midco’s reported average speeds are based on third party testing. The upload, download, and latency reported are the median of actual customer speeds as measured from all hours and all days within a testing period. Speed data is measured and updated at least once annually. In certain circumstances, when launching new speed tiers or implementing new technologies, Midco will utilize and publish internal testing data. Internal testing data will be updated with third party testing of customer speeds when sufficient data is available. Unless otherwise noted, speeds are measured on the Midco Network to the customer's end device, directly wired to the Midco cable wired to the Midco cable modem.

Midco offers residential customers a variety of broadband internet service tiers that may affect the suitability for online activities, the number of users and the number of connected devices. To view the suitability of available packages, including average upload, download and latency data, visit Current customers may also view average speed data for their current package by visiting their My Account portal. Lastly, Midco internet customers can check the speed performance of their current internet connection using the Midco Speed Test

Service Description 

All Midco internet products are provided by either a hybrid fiber coaxial, fixed wireless, or fiber-to-the-premises (FTTP) connection. The particular technology for your service will be based upon the nature of Midco’s network in your geographic area. The equipment required to connect a device to the internet depends on the type of technology employed to provide the service.  

For most homes and commercial locations, we use DOCSIS cable modem technology running on a hybrid fiber coaxial cable (HFC) architecture. Data transmission is bi-directional and may be asymmetrical, meaning that download speeds (from the internet) are greater than upload speeds (to the internet). Certain delivery methods may provide for symmetrical speeds, meaning that both download and upload speeds are equal.  

Midco’s HFC network uses coaxial cable connecting each subscriber’s cable modem to an optical node and fiber-optic cables connecting the optical node, through distribution hubs, to the cable modem termination system (CMTS), which is also known as a data node. CMTS devices are then connected to higher-level routers, which in turn are connected to Midco’s internet backbone facilities. Each CMTS has multiple ports that handle traffic coming into and leaving the CMTS. In particular, each cable modem deployed on the Midco Network is connected to the CMTS through the ports on the CMTS or through RPHY via virtual ports. Both physical and virtual ports can be either downstream ports or upstream ports, depending on whether they send information to cable modems (downstream) or receive information from cable modems (upstream). Both types of ports can experience congestion that could degrade the broadband experience of our customers. 

Midco’s fixed wireless network relies on microwave signals and antennas using point-to-multipoint signals across the 3.65 GHz and CBRS bands. A subscriber’s antenna will point at equipment on top of a nearby vertical structure that is connected to Midco’s fiber network.  

Midco internet service may also be provided by FTTP over our fiber-optical network. Midco fiber customers connect to our network with an optical network unit (ONU).  

Midco internet service is designed to be a low latency, “always on” service ideal for a wide variety of demanding internet applications, including real-time applications such as gaming andvideo streaming, plus standard web browsing, email, photo uploads, etc. Network maintenance occasionally may be necessary to ensure that our network technology grows to meet the increasing demands of our customers. Coaxial and fiber network maintenance is generally infrequent, brief and conducted between 12 am and 6 am (CST) with notifications provided for interruptions expected to last more than two hours.  In certain situations, we may need to perform network maintenance during the day. In those cases, we will provide notifications in advance using text, email or physical mail. 

Impact of Non-Broadband Internet Access Services 

Midco home phone and business voice service are specialized voice data services that use the same network path as our internet service, although local voice traffic never reaches the internet and stays within the Midco network. Due to the sensitive nature of phone traffic, it receives special prioritization. For example,this ensures that 911 calls have special priority over web browsing. A phone conversation only requires about 125 kilobits per second of data usage, which is about 2.5% of the capacity of our 50 Mbps upload speed and about 0.25% of the same download speed. Voice traffic and voice traffic prioritization do not have a significant impact on Midco’s internet service. 

Midco also offers other non-broadband internet access services using its network facilities, including voice telephone service, video service and private line services. Due to the current configuration of Midco’s network, these services and broadband internet service are provided over segregated portions of the available bandwidth, and usage of these services does not affect the capacity available for broadband internet access. Midco, however, may change the allocation of bandwidth at any time in the future, which could either increase or decrease the bandwidth available for broadband internet access. 

Commercial Terms 


Information as to residential pricing, including additional network services, may be found at Midco does not have data caps, does not charge usage-based fees or charge fees for the early termination of residential services. 
Information as to business pricing, including additional network services, may be found at Midco does not charge usage-based fees. Early termination fees may apply for business services and are outlined in the Business Master Services Agreements found at

Terms and Conditions of Service, Acceptable Use Policy and Privacy Policy 

Midco services are subject to the company’s policies, terms and conditions as posted at These policies, terms and conditions limit the company’s liability for service outages and other service-affecting conditions and requires customers, among other things, to pay for the services they purchase; to use the service for lawful purposes; to comply with the company’s Acceptable Use Policy; and to return any rented equipment in good condition once they no longer are purchasing services. Customers should read Midco policies, terms and conditions before purchasing services from the company. The company’s policies, terms and conditions may be changed at the company’s discretion in accordance with the terms of these legal documents. 

Midco services are subject to the company’s Acceptable Use Policy. The Acceptable Use Policy, among other things, prohibits use of the service: (I) for unlawful purposes; (2) to harass or defame other individuals; (3) for commercial purposes (if purchased as a residential customer); or (4) to operate a server at the customer’s premises unless the customer specifically has purchased a service that permits such a use. Customers should read the entire Acceptable Use Policy before purchasing services from the company. The full Acceptable Use Policy is available at The Acceptable Use Policy may be changed at the company’s discretion, with or without notice. 

We consider the privacy of our subscribers to be very important, and we are committed to keeping nonpublic personal information about our subscribers secure and confidential. Midco services are subject to the company’s privacy policy for broadband internet service. Midco’s full Privacy Policy is available at The Privacy Policy may be changed at the company’s discretion, with or without notice. 

Under the Privacy Policy, Midco may remotely check your modem to the extent necessary for determining whether it is susceptible to unauthorized access or the dissemination of computer viruses. We may also keep records of research concerning subscriber satisfaction with our services, which are obtained from subscriber interviews and questionnaires. In addition, we may have a record of whether you rent or own your home in the event that landlord permission is required prior to installing or maintaining our facilities and may keep records of violations and alleged violations of Midco policies, terms and conditions, and other rules governing your use of the ISP service, including, but not limited to, the Acceptable Use Policy. We may sometimes obtain publicly available information about our subscribers from third parties. 

The information described in the preceding paragraph is used for purposes such as sending you pertinent information about our services; maintaining and improving the quality of our services; answering questions from subscribers (i.e., for troubleshooting); ensuring compliance with relevant law and contractual provisions; protecting against unauthorized use of the services we provide; marketing cable or other services or products in which you may be interested; and for tax and accounting purposes. 

Our system, in delivering and routing the ISP services, may automatically log information concerning internet addresses you contact and the duration of your visits to such addresses. We will not use or disclose any personally identifiable information that may be derived from these logs for marketing, advertising or similar purposes. We, in providing the ISP service to you, also have access to personally identifiable information about you or your ISP account, including the name and address associated with a given IP address assigned to the customer's modem at any particular time or, possibly, one or more email accounts. You have consented, in your Subscription Agreement, to the collection of personally identifiable information as described in this paragraph. 

The company also may collect and store data on usage levels, sites accessed and other usage characteristics for internal management purposes, including network design, capacity planning and analysis, and implementation of network management practices. Information the company collects or stores may be subject to disclosure to law enforcement and national security officials with appropriate authorization under state or federal law. 

Complaints and Questions 

Complaints and questions concerning this disclosure, the company’s services and the company’s policies can be sent to the company in these ways: 

Options for resolving complaints or disputes and questions from end users are reflected in Midco’s policies, terms and conditions posted at Inquiries should be directed to the specified contacts in those legal documents.

To view Midco’s Broadband Nutrition Labels in a machine-readable format, click here

We�ve confirmed your scheduled account service transfer.

In addition to transferring your services, we�re also moving any payment methods and/or auto pay settings to your new account number.

Billing access will be available four days after your services are activated at your new address.

If you need to make an immediate payment, please call us at 1.800.888.1300.