Midco Awarded Grant to Bring Broadband to May Township

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Midco Awarded Grant to Bring Broadband to May Township

July 19, 2023 – May Township, MN:

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz recently announced that Midco has been awarded a $1,580,300 grant from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) through the Office of Broadband Development’s Border-to-Border Broadband Program to bring high-speed and reliable broadband to unserved and underserved areas of May Township, Minnesota.

This grant will cover a portion of the more than $3.5 million total project cost to improve connectivity to nearly 600 homes, businesses and farms in the May Township area.

Midco partnered with Washington County, which contributed $311,000 for the project and received letters of support from Washington County, May Township, federal and local elected officials and many individual residents and businesses from the area.

“May Township has worked for many years to promote and facilitate the availability of high-speed broadband to more of our township and residents,” said May Township Board Chair John Pazlar. “The grant opportunity with Midco and the State of Minnesota will continue to close the gap for our community and ensure a reliable, robust and affordable connection is available to every citizen, student, business and farm in May Township. We look forward to Midco’s continued expansion and the positive impact it will have on our community.”

“Access to quality internet service is a top priority for the Washington County Board of Commissioners, and we made significant investments in broadband expansion through the allocation of the county’s American Rescue Plan Act dollars,” said Washington County Commissioner Fran Miron. “Whether a resident is in a rural or urban setting in our county, access to a high quality, reliable and affordable connection is vitally important. I am thrilled to see this investment by the State of Minnesota, Washington County and Midco to expand a robust fiber network throughout May Township.”

“Midco is thrilled to receive this grant from the State of Minnesota, in partnership with Washington County and May Township. It was truly humbling to work alongside the community and hear firsthand accounts from residents about their struggles with connectivity, which has become an essential aspect of daily life” said Melissa Wolf, Midco’s Government Relations Manager. “We are immensely proud of this project, as it will bring a strong, reliable connection to more of May Township’s residents and businesses. This initiative will enable them to grow and thrive for years to come.”
In addition to fiber internet, Midco also provides TV, phone, networking and advertising services. To learn more, visit midco.com.