WICT Names Midco a Top Company for Women to Work

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WICT Names Midco a Top Company for Women to Work

October 17, 2017 – Sioux Falls, SD: Women in Cable Telecommunications (WICT) has honored Midco® as one of its PAR Best Companies for Women to Work, based on results of its 2017 survey. The survey gauges gender-related quantitative and qualitative employee data, and assesses the diversity and inclusion practices of the participating companies.

“I'm incredibly grateful for the recognition this award represents. Midco continues to infuse more focus on creating stronger gender diversity and inclusion practices throughout the company,” said COO Debbie Stang. “In addition to our internal programs, we are leveraging the top-rated services our industry has to offer to benefit women while enhancing their workplace contributions.”     

"We congratulate this year's PAR Best Companies for Women to Work for their exemplary diversity and inclusion practices. Considering all the research that demonstrates the benefits companies gain through strong gender diversity, we understand how important measurement is as part of an overall business strategy,” said Maria E. Brennan, CAE, President & CEO of WICT. “We applaud the commitment of time and resources each of our participants dedicated to complete the 2017 survey, giving us the largest percentage of industry representation ever.”

WICT will recognize the achievements of the PAR Best Companies for Women to Work at the 2018 WICT Signature Luncheon to be held at the New York Hilton Hotel, on April 4. 

Media Contact

Paige Pearson Meyer
Vice President of Corporate Communications

