Managing Security Events | Midco Wi-Fi Support

Managing Security Events

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Midco Wi-Fi is constantly protecting your network from malicious attacks.

Viewing Blocked Events

  1. Open the Midco Wi-Fi app. Go to the main menu from the home screen and tap on the Guard tab.
  2. Tap Manage Security Events.
  3. The Protected tab will display all blocked events.
    • Tap Manage Security Events to bring up a list with a graphic showing all blocked events. The list contains 30 days of data. Tap the graphic to highlight the number of events during a day. You can also filter by the type of event.
    • Learn the “why” and “where” behind a block. See the brief description under each event.
  4. If you trust that a site is safe, simply tap any event to add it to the Approved list.
  5. Depending on the blocking level, you can unblock a person, device or everyone. You can safelist up to 20 entries in total.

How to delete blocked security events

The Midco Wi-Fi app allows you to delete any past blocked events, like clearing your browser history.

  1. Open the Midco Wi-Fi app. Select the main menu from the home screen, and select the Guard tab.
  2. On the bottom of the screen, select the Delete security events button.
  3. Tap the button and confirm that you would like to Clear data.
    • Note: Once deleted, this data cannot be recovered.