Wi-Fi Name & Password | Midco Internet Support

Wi-Fi Name & Password

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See & Edit Wi-Fi Info

To connect your wireless devices to your secure, in-home network, you need your Wi-Fi network name (also known as an SSID) and your passcode or network key. You can view and change this information by logging directly into your modem or use the Midco Wi-Fi app (available with Midco Freestyle® Wi-Fi). Read the tips below and then find your modem model for details. If you’d like to view your network information, it is also available for some modems in Midco My Account.

Need to Know: Network Changes

If you’d like, you can change your network name and network key to make them unique to you.

  • The default network name (SSID) and password (network key) for your modem typically appears on the back of your modem.
  • During installation, a Midco technician will change your default network name and password, if you’d like a custom one.
  • You can also view and change your network information by logging into your modem if you self-install or at any time. You can also view and edit this information in the Midco Wi-Fi app (available with Midco Freestyle Wi-Fi).

Why change my network details?

  • Setting up a personalized network name makes it easier to find and connect to your Wi-Fi.
  • You may want to change your password to something you can more easily remember for you and your visitors.
  • Want to keep short-term visitors off your network? Change your password after house guests (or your kids’ friends) leave, to keep things secure.

Depending on your wireless modem, you may be able to access your wireless network name and key within My Account.

  1. Log in to My Account.
  2. Under the Internet section, select Manage.
  3. Locate your modem. If your network name and network key are available in My Account, your details will display.

If your details are not available, get help to access your wireless information through your modem. Changing your Wi-Fi network name and password is not available in My Account. You must log in to your modem to make these updates. See the modem steps below for help.

If your wireless password and network name are not listed in My Account, you may be able to access them through your modem. If you want to change your Wi-Fi password, you can only do so by logging in directly to your modem (using these directions) or by contacting us.

Required to Start: Read these important notes about changing your wireless information:

  • If you change your wireless network name or password, you will need to interact with and reconnect each device previously connected to your Wi-Fi, if you’d still like them to be online.
  • It can be easier to update all those devices if you change your network password and name (SSID) at the same time, so it’s easier to tell network names apart.
  • DO NOT change your wireless network name and password if you have Midco SmartHOME services, as this will cause your home security equipment to reset – and will require a Midco technician to make a service visit to your home to reset your security services.
  • You need a device that’s hard-wired or wirelessly connected to your Midco Wi-Fi modem.

To access your wireless network credentials, and if you wish, change them:

  1. Open your web browser, and type into the web address/URL. Press Enter.
  2. On the login page for your modem, enter the following:
    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: password
  3. Click Login.
  4. Choose Wireless in the page’s top menu (or use the menu icon for mobile or small browser windows). Select Basic Settings.
    • Do not select the Wireless tab lower on the screen. Although it contains network information, you aren’t able to edit from this screen.
  5. Your Wi-Fi access information displays, with your network name listed next to Network Name (SSID), and your network key listed as your Pass Phrase.
    • To view your 5 GHz settings, click the 5G tab.
  6. If you’d like to change your wireless network name (SSID), delete the current Network Name (SSID), and then type your new network name. Click Save Changes.
    • We recommend a network name of at least six characters, and no spaces are allowed.
    • When changing your 5 GHz network name, include ‘5G’ at the end of the network name.
  7. If you’d like to change your network key or password, delete the current Pass Phrase, and then type your new password.
    • Your password must be eight characters long. You can have the same password for your 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
  8. Click Save Changes.
  9. If you changed the network information from a Wi-Fi connected device, you’ll be disconnected from the internet. Reconnect all necessary devices with the new network credentials.

Learn more about dual-band modems and how Wi-Fi works.

If your wireless password and network name are not listed in My Account, you may be able to access them through your modem. If you want to change your Wi-Fi password, you can only do so by logging in directly to your modem (using these directions) or by contacting us.

Required to Start: Read these important notes about changing your wireless information:

  • If you change your wireless network name or password, you will need to interact with and reconnect each device previously connected to your Wi-Fi, if you’d still like them to be online.
  • It can be easier to update all those devices if you change your network password and name (SSID) at the same time, so it’s easier to tell network names apart.
  • DO NOT change your wireless network name and password if you have Midco SmartHOME services, as this will cause your home security equipment to reset – and will require a Midco technician to make a service visit to your home to reset your security services.
  • You need a device that’s hard-wired or wirelessly connected to your Midco Wi-Fi modem.

To access your wireless network credentials, and if you wish, change them:

  1. Open your web browser, and type into the web address/URL. Press Enter.
  2. On the login page for your modem, enter the following:
    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: password
  3. Click Login.
  4. Choose Wireless in the page’s top menu (or use the menu icon for mobile or small browser windows). Select Basic Settings.
    • Do not select the Wireless tab lower on the screen. Although it contains network information, you aren’t able to edit from this screen.
  5. Your network name displays next to Primary SSID under the SSID name column.
    • If you’d like to change your wireless network name (SSID), delete the current SSID name, and then type your new network name. (We recommend a network name of at least six characters, and no spaces are allowed.) Click Apply to save your changes.
  6. Locate your password or network key by clicking the WPS & Security tab. Your network key displays on the SSID line.
    • If you’d like to change your password, delete the current password, and then type your new password. (Your password must be eight characters long.) Click Apply to save your changes.
  7. If you changed the network information from a Wi-Fi connected device, you’ll be disconnected from the internet. Reconnect all necessary devices with the new network credentials.

Learn more about how Wi-Fi works.

If your wireless password and network name are not listed in My Account, you may be able to access them through your modem. If you want to change your Wi-Fi password, you can only do so by logging in directly to your modem (using these directions) or by contacting us.

Required to Start: Read these important notes about changing your wireless information:

  • If you change your wireless network name or password, you will need to interact with and reconnect each device previously connected to your Wi-Fi, if you’d still like them to be online.
  • It can be easier to update all those devices if you change your network password and name (SSID) at the same time, so it’s easier to tell network names apart.
  • You need a device that’s hard-wired or wirelessly connected to your Midco Wi-Fi modem.

To access your wireless network credentials, and if you wish, change them:

  1. Open your web browser, and type into the web address/URL. Press Enter.
  2. On the login page for your modem, enter the following:
    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: your current Wi-Fi password
  3. Click Login.
  4. Choose Wireless in the page’s top menu (or use the menu icon for mobile or small browser windows). Select Basic Settings.
    • Do not select the Wireless tab lower on the screen. Although it contains network information, you aren’t able to edit from this screen.
  5. By default, the 2.4 GHz network information displays. To view the 5 GHz network details, click the 5G tab.
  6. If you’d like to change your wireless network name (SSID), click the 2.4G tab. Delete the current network name, and then type your new network name.
    • We recommend a network name of at least six characters, and no spaces are allowed.
    • If band steering is enabled, the 5G tab will show a grayed-out network name. When you change the name for 2.4 GHz, it will update for 5G as well.
    • If band steering is not enabled, you must change the network name manually. Click the 5G tab, and type a new network name. Be sure to include ‘5G’ at the end of the network name.
  7. If you’d like to change your network key or password, delete the current password, and then type your new password.
    • Your password must be eight characters long. You can have the same password for your 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
    • If band steering is enabled, the 5G tab will show a grayed-out network name. When you change the name key for 2.4 GHz, it will update for 5G as well.
    • If band steering is not enabled, you must change the network key manually. Click the 5G tab, and type a new network name.
  8. Click Save Changes.
  9. If you changed the network information from a Wi-Fi connected device, you’ll be disconnected from the internet. Reconnect all necessary devices with the new network credentials.

Learn more about dual-band modems and how Wi-Fi works.

If your wireless password and network name are not listed in My Account, you may be able to access them through your modem. If you want to change your Wi-Fi password, you can only do so by logging in directly to your modem (using these directions) or by contacting us.

Required to Start: Read these important notes about changing your wireless information:

  • If you change your wireless network name or password, you will need to interact with and reconnect each device previously connected to your Wi-Fi, if you’d still like them to be online.
  • It can be easier to update all those devices if you change your network password and name (SSID) at the same time, so it’s easier to tell network names apart.
  • DO NOT change your wireless network name and password if you have Midco SmartHOME services, as this will cause your home security equipment to reset – and will require a Midco technician to make a service visit to your home to reset your security services.
  • You need a device that’s hard-wired or wirelessly connected to your Midco Wi-Fi modem

To access your wireless network credentials, and if you wish, change them:

  1. Open your web browser, and type into the web address/URL. Press Enter.
  2. On the login page for your modem, leave the username and password fields blank. Click Login.
  3. On the Quick Setup page, scroll to view your wireless network name and network key. Check Show Key to display your current Wi-Fi password.
  4. If you’d like to change your wireless network name (SSID), delete the current Wireless Network Name (SSID), and then type your new network name.
    • We recommend a network name of at least six characters, and no spaces are allowed.
  5. If you’d like to change your network key or password, delete the current Pre-Shared Key, and then type your new password.
    • Your password must be eight characters long. You can have the same password for your 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
  6. Click Save Settings.
  7. If you changed the network information from a Wi-Fi connected device, you’ll be disconnected from the internet. Reconnect all necessary devices with the new network credentials.

Learn more about how Wi-Fi works.

If your wireless password and network name are not listed in My Account, you may be able to access them through your modem. If you want to change your Wi-Fi password, you can only do so by logging in directly to your modem (using these directions) or by contacting us.

Required to Start: Read these important notes about changing your wireless information:

  • If you change your wireless network name or password, you will need to interact with and reconnect each device previously connected to your Wi-Fi, if you’d still like them to be online.
  • It can be easier to update all those devices if you change your network password and name (SSID) at the same time, so it’s easier to tell network names apart.
  • DO NOT change your wireless network name and password if you have Midco SmartHOME services, as this will cause your home security equipment to reset – and will require a Midco technician to make a service visit to your home to reset your security services.
  • You need a device that’s hard-wired or wirelessly connected to your Midco Wi-Fi modem

To access your wireless network credentials, and if you wish, change them:

  1. Open your web browser, and type into the web address/URL. Press Enter.
  2. On the login page for your modem, leave the username and password fields blank. Click Login.
  3. The Quick Setup page will display:
    • Wi-Fi Radio 1 Network: your 2.4 GHz network name
    • Wi-Fi Radio 2 Network: your 5 GHz network name
  4. Click Show Key to display your current passwords for each network.
  5. If you’d like to change your wireless network name (SSID), delete the current Wireless Network Name (SSID), and then type your new network name
    • We recommend a network name of at least six characters, and no spaces are allowed.
    • When changing your 5 GHz network name, include ‘5G’ at the end of the network name.
  6. If you’d like to change your network key or password, delete the current Pre-Shared Key, and then type your new password.
  7. Your password must be eight characters long. You can have the same password for your 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
  8. Click Save Settings.
  9. If you changed the network information from a Wi-Fi connected device, you’ll be disconnected from the internet. Reconnect all necessary devices with the new network credentials.

Learn more about dual-band modems and how Wi-Fi works.

If your wireless password and network name are not listed in My Account, you may be able to access them through your modem. If you want to change your Wi-Fi password, you can only do so by logging in directly to your modem (using these directions) or by contacting us.

  • Required to Start: Read these important notes about changing your wireless information:
  • If you change your wireless network name or password, you will need to interact with and reconnect each device previously connected to your Wi-Fi, if you’d still like them to be online.
  • It can be easier to update all those devices if you change your network password and name (SSID) at the same time, so it’s easier to tell network names apart.
  • DO NOT change your wireless network name and password if you have Midco SmartHOME services, as this will cause your home security equipment to reset – and will require a Midco technician to make a service visit to your home to reset your security services.
  • You need a device that’s hard-wired or wirelessly connected to your Midco Wi-Fi modem

To access your wireless network credentials, and if you wish, change them:

  1. Open your web browser, and type into the web address/URL. Press Enter.
  2. On the login page for your modem, enter the following:
    • Username: cusadmin
    • Password: password
  3. Click Login.
  4. Choose Wireless. (If you’re on a mobile device, go to the menu icon to select it.) Then click Radio. Your Wi-Fi access information displays for your 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
  5. If you’d like to change your wireless network name (SSID):
    1. Delete the current Network Name (SSID).
    2. Type your new network name, which must be the same for both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks, in order for band steering to work on this modem. (We recommend a network name of at least six characters, and no spaces are allowed.)
    3. Click Save.
  6. If you’d like to change your network key or password:
    1. Choose Wireless. (If you’re on a mobile device, go to the menu icon to select it.) Click Security.
    2. Delete the current password, and then type your new password. Your password must be eight characters long. You can have the same password for your 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks.
    3. Click Save.
  7. If you changed the network information from a Wi-Fi connected device, you’ll be disconnected from the internet. Reconnect all necessary devices with the new network credentials.

Learn more about dual-band modems and how Wi-Fi works.

If you have a different wireless modem other than the Hitron or Cisco models noted above, please consult your modem’s user manual or contact us. Please note that we are only able to support modems that are on our approved modems list.

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