AdBlocking | Midco Wi-Fi Support


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Adblocking blocks known advertising servers, although the websites will continue to be displayed without certain ads.

Enabled at the network, person or device level. Adblocking blocks known advertising servers, although the websites will continue to be displayed without certain ads. Adblocking will help you block web and video advertisements, as well as requests to known ad servers.

The adblocking feature is enabled on all devices by default but can be customized on the device or person level for an individualized experience. When you enable adblocking for a person, the setting automatically applies to all the devices assigned to that person.

Online Protection is controlled at the Network level in the Guard menu, while device and person settings can be modified from within their respective detail screens.


  1. Open the Midco Wi-Fi app. Select the App settings tab on the navigation bar.
  2. Select the Guard
  3. Go to Adblocking under the All devices It is enabled by default.
  4. If Adblocking is disabled, select Disabled. A popup box will display.
  5. Slide the toggle to turn Adblocking on or off. Adblocking is now turned on for all people and devices on your network.

  1. Open the Midco Wi-Fi app. Select the People tab on the navigation bar.
  2. Select the three dots beside the person you would like to have adblocking.
  3. Choose the Person Profile option.
  4. Go to Adblocking. Select the word “Off.” A popup box will display. Use the toggle to turn on adblocking.

  1. Open the Midco Wi-Fi app. Select the People tab on the navigation bar.
  2. Switch from People to the Devices page.
  3. Click on the device you would like to have adblocking.
  4. Scroll to the Events section and click on the icon in the upper right corner.
  5. Click on the word “Disabled.” A popup box will display Use the toggle to turn on adblocking. If the word “Enabled” appears, this device already has Adblocking activated.