Search and Browse TiVo | Midco Cable TV Support

Search & Browse

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Searching for Shows

It’s easy to search for shows you want to watch. Use any of these ways to start searching:

  • Press the TiVo button on your remote to go to the TiVo® Home screen, and go to Search. Use the arrow buttons on your remote to highlight letters in the grid, and press Select to choose each letter for your keyword. The results will display on your screen.
    • For customers using the classic TiVo Experience, press the TiVo button on your remote, go to Search, OnePass & Manage, and then choose Search. (See which TiVo Experience you have.)
  • From your TiVo Home screen, press 3 on your remote to launch Search instantly. (It’s a shortcut for the newer TiVo Experience.)
  • Press and hold the voice button on your voice remote, tell your TiVo DVR what you want to search, and release the button.1

You can search by title, actor, director, genre and more. TiVo Search looks across TV and your connected streaming apps – all at once. Your TiVo DVR will then show you results sorted by popularity.

This information is for customers using the newer TiVo® Experience.1 See which experience you have.

At a boring part of a show? Use QuickView to quickly see what’s on your favorite channels or what’s coming up – without missing any of your current show.

How to Use QuickView
  • Press up on your remote to see what’s coming up on live TV with a one-line Guide. To close this panel, press Back (or Zoom) on your remote control.
  • Press down on your remote to display the SmartBar, with quick access to the shows you watch regularly, based on the time and day of the week.
  • Press left to bring up your favorite channels.
    • To set your favorites, select Menu, Settings and then Channel Settings.
  • Press right to see what's playing on other tuners.

In each panel, use the up, down, left or right buttons to move around. Press OK to switch to a channel, tuner or show that’s airing, or to set up a recording.

The on-screen program guide displays up to two weeks of TV programming – just press the Guide button your TiVo remote.

Guide Icons & Access

Icons in the guide help you navigate to the shows you want.

  • New shows are marked with a New icon.
  • Shows that are currently recording have a red circle icon next to the title.
  • Shows that are scheduled to record are marked with a check mark (for individual shows) or double check mark (for OnePass recordings).

To move around in the guide:

  • Press Fast Forward to move the displayed time ahead two hours (one page).
  • Press Rewind to move the displayed time backward two hours.
  • Press Advance to jump 24 hours ahead.
  • Press Replay to jump 24 hours back.
  • Press Select on a show in progress, and the channel changes to that show.
  • Press Record to record it.
  • Press Select on an upcoming show, and you’ll see a screen with recording options. Set up your recording or press to go back to the guide.
Customize Guide Options

Press the A button while in the Guide to go to the Guide Options screen. Then you can customize your guide’s settings.

  • Date – Select the starting date for the guide.
  • Time – Choose the starting time for the guide.
  • Show category – Set which show categories display in the guide.
  • Channels – Choose which channels display in the guide, such as:
    • Channel list – Set the guide to display only the channels checked in the channel list, to only display your favorite channels, or to display all channels (even channels that aren’t part of your Midco cable package). To set favorite channels, go to Settings and then Channel Settings.
  • Show channel logos – Select whether to turn channel logos on or off in the guide.

This information is for customers using the newer TiVo Experience. See which experience you have.

  • When you search for movies or individual episodes of a series, your results will include videos available to stream from your connected streaming apps. Icons for the apps are shown in the right column of the search screen or on the Series, Movie or Episode screen.
  • Don’t have time to watch it now? Select Bookmark to add a link to the video directly to My Shows. You can find currently available streaming movies under My Shows, using the Movies filter. Check out available TV Series episodes under the TV Series category.
  • If a streaming video is currently unavailable from any of your connected apps, it’s added to the Currently Unavailable group at the bottom of My Shows. When the video becomes available, it will automatically be added to the appropriate My Shows category or folder.

This information is for customers using the classic TiVo Experience. See which experience you have.

In TiVo Central, Browse for TV and Movies appears below Search. Browse to find something that matches your mood, or search through a specific genre, like comedies, sports or mysteries.

WishList Searches

Create a WishList® search for any actor, director, keyword, title or category, and your TiVo DVR will find shows that match your search criteria on any channel in your cable TV subscription. You can also have your WishList automatically record matches it finds.

WishList searches are good if you know what you like to watch (such as movies with your favorite actor) but you’re not sure when it’s going to be on TV.

You can also create more specific WishList searches with multiple criteria. If you create a WishList search for actor Robert De Niro, category Movies, and sub-category Comedy, your WishList search would find all comedies starring Robert De Niro.

Follow the steps below to create a WishList search based on which TiVo Experience is on your TiVo device. See which experience you have.

Newer TiVo Experience
  1. From the Home Screen, choose Search, or press 3 on your remote.
  2. Without entering any letters, move to the right side of the screen, and select Create a WishList Search.
  3. Choose any or all of the following criteria for your WishList search. Use the arrow buttons on your remote to highlight letters in the grid, and press Select to choose each letter for your keyword.
    • Title: Enter keywords for shows with specific words in the show or episode title.
    • Keyword: Enter keywords for shows with specific words in the show or episode title or description.
    • Actor: Enter your favorite actor’s name.
    • Director: Enter the specific director’s name.
    • Category: Enter specific categories or sub-categories of shows (such as action movies).
  4. When you’re done entering specific criteria, select Done entering terms.
  5. On the next screen, choose to change your search terms or change recording options. If you want your DVR to record matches automatically, choose Modify Recording Options and make sure Auto-Record is set to Yes. Any results will automatically record and be placed in your My Shows.
  6. Select Save this WishList Search to tell your TiVo DVR to start searching.
Classic TiVo Experience
  1. From TiVo Central, select Search, OnePass & Manage and then WishList Searches.
  2. Select My WishLists and then Create a New WishList Search.
  3. Choose any or all of the following criteria for your WishList search. Use the arrow buttons on your remote to highlight letters in the grid, and press Select to choose each letter for your keyword.
    • Keyword or Title: Enter keywords for shows with specific words in the show or episode title or description.
    • Actor or Director: Enter your favorite actor’s name or a specific director’s name.
    • Category: Enter specific categories or sub-categories of shows (such as action movies).
  4. When you’re done entering specific criteria, select Done entering terms.
  5. Select Done creating this WishList when you’re finished entering terms. Any shows matching your search criteria will automatically be recorded and will appear in your My Shows.

Follow the steps below to view or edit a WishList search based on which TiVo Experience is on your TiVo device. See which experience you have.

Newer TiVo Experience
  1. From the Home screen, select Search, or press 3 on your remote.
  2. Move to the right side of the screen, and select View My WishList Searches.
  3. Select a WishList search.
Classic TiVo Experience
  1. From TiVo Central, select Search, OnePass & Manage and then WishList Searches.
  2. Select My WishLists and then a WishList search.

From here, you can:

  • Highlight a search result and press OK for information about streaming or recording.
  • Select Edit WishList Search Terms to change the search criteria.
  • Choose Rename this WishList to edit the name of the WishList search.
  • Select Modify Recording Options to turn auto-recording on or off.

All apps shown in the video may not be available.

1 Voice functionality is only available with the new TiVo Experience. Not all TiVo DVRs are compatible with the new experience, and voice functionality is not compatible with all TiVo Mini devices. TiVo voice remotes do work with the classic TiVo Experience, but without voice functionality. Contact us with questions. 

This material includes references to products, services and/or equipment not manufactured by Midco. The respective companies retain trademark and registered trademark ownership for those referenced items.

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